A ruin was king of the M&V, this also caused all it’s vassals to be replaced with ruin characters (but no ruined provinces! I can’t colonize them!) and all the baronies! Unable to colonize the Vale from the now independent Trident, because the Eyrie wasn’t bordering my land, I couldn’t delcare war with the Eyrie! Noone could! The only way to restore it was by giving ALL the duchies, provinces AND baronies to a person (revoking the ruins still upset every other vassal that ruler was holding!) via the “give_title” command (pretty annyoing with the 6969 id thingy)! Can you find a way around this, somehow? This is a pretty serious bug that can render an entire part of the map useless! This fucked the entire Mountain and Vale. I believe they lost the war with the iron throne, which caused something (I think the king was sent to the wall) and the Eyrie became a ruined province. House Arryn is extinguished and their successors were house Hardying. Then, it started a de jure war over some island the iron throne inherited (now broken apart, the Westerlands became independent and Iron isles are under the Iron Throne control again). The Vale declared itself an independent kingdom, which it has been for ca.
I don’t know if this has been fixed yet, since I’m still playing with version 0.4.7 and am too lazy to download the hotfixes, but sometime after the clash of kings (playing as Robb and getting the support of the Iron Isles and the Vale via save and load savegame with other person).